Agents useful herein may also include uric acid reduction treatment, including allopurinol commercially available as zyloprim ; seizure medications, including gabapentin commercially available as neurontin , ethotoin commercially available as peganone , and topiramate commercially available as topamax ; treatment for shingles, such as zoster vaccine live commercially available as zostavax ; skin care medications, including calcipotriene commercially available as dovonex , isotretinoin commercially available as accutane , hydrocortisone iodoquinol commercially available as alcortin , sulfacetamide sodium sulfur commercially available as avar , azelaic acid commercially available as azelex , finacea , benzoyl peroxide commercially available as desquam- e , adapalene commercially available as differin , fluorouracil commercially available as efudex , pimecrolimus commercially available as elidel , topical erythromycin commercially available as a t s , erycette , t-stat , hydrocortisone commercially available as cetacort , hytone , nutracort , metronidazole commercially available as metrogel , doxycycline commercially available as oracea , tretinoin commercially available as retin-a and renova , mequinol tretinoin commercially available as solage , acitretin commercially available as soriatane , calcipotriene.
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